i've never woke up so early.. for this semester, that is..
had to go back to the mangrove today.. by hook or by crook.. i dun wanna wait till the weekend, when the low tide starts to get later and higher day by day.. and i dun wanna end up in the rain again.. and so i woke up at 6am.. though i was already half-awake by then.. didn't get a good sleep anyway.. restlessly made my way to kranji to meet huiyan and biyun..
luckily the clouds were nice to us.. no rain, in fact sunny... haha.. but then i hate the mud in the mangrove.. i mean, i like nature.. i like seeing small little animals crawling and digging into the mud.. but i hate it when the mud always suck in my slippers.. almost every step i took was energy-draining.. had to pull my feet (together with the slippers, of course) out and mud was splashing onto my back.. then i ended up walking barefoot on the mud.. heck, if i got bitten by crabs or anything sharp lurking in the mud.. luckily my soles are hard enough..
and so i managed to do some fieldwork a.k.a measurements.. i die die also have to do something.. i dun want to go back again, and neither do i have the time to do so..
then we had to go back to school for lecture.. me and biyun fell asleep outside the spinelli in the new admin block.. then got up to buy coffee to get us through the lecture awake.. well, it sort of worked.. but i still yawned throughout the lecture..
after that i came home, took (quite a long) bath and then off for 2 sessions of tuition.. and so now i'm brain-dead.. super brain-dead.. i need glucose to keep my surviving brain cells alive..
Friday, October 21, 2005
Sunday, October 16, 2005
bad weather..
wah lao.. everytime my field trip will end up raining.. this time round no exception either..
first thing in the morning, i overslept.. damn.. couldn't even hear my phone alarm beeping away, same goes for the numerous calls biyun and huiyan made.. arghh..
never mind.. went there and reached sungei buloh.. the reception there was real bad, made many calls and sms to both the gals.. but no replies.. so i waited around the lobby area, see what notes i can make/copy from there.. and then all those noisy aunties who were there for their own excursion were making a din manz.. hello??? you are supposed to keep the volume down in the nature reserve!!! they even cut my queue when i was in the toilet!! what the hell..
and then it started raining.. raining non-stop.. we can't get out to do any observations, so we were stuck in the lobby.. the only thing we could do was to have our lunch (it's expensive, by the way) and read some of the magazines and books provided in the resource/reading area..
and we waited till 4pm and the rain was still pouring.. and heck, we walked out of the place and walked the nature trail, trying to see what we could do.. so umbrellas out, but still got wet.. then we went down to the muddy mangrove to do a bit of measurements and picture-taking.. having to take the umbrella and camera and papers was a hassle, me and biyun ended up walking in the rain.. i only had my hat to block some rain out of my sight, but biyun was totally drenched.. but heck..
so in the end i didn't get to do anything related to the topic i planned to do.. *grrrr* now i have to find another day to go there again.. who's interested?? this time round, i'm going to the kranji reservoir to get into the mud..
first thing in the morning, i overslept.. damn.. couldn't even hear my phone alarm beeping away, same goes for the numerous calls biyun and huiyan made.. arghh..
never mind.. went there and reached sungei buloh.. the reception there was real bad, made many calls and sms to both the gals.. but no replies.. so i waited around the lobby area, see what notes i can make/copy from there.. and then all those noisy aunties who were there for their own excursion were making a din manz.. hello??? you are supposed to keep the volume down in the nature reserve!!! they even cut my queue when i was in the toilet!! what the hell..
and then it started raining.. raining non-stop.. we can't get out to do any observations, so we were stuck in the lobby.. the only thing we could do was to have our lunch (it's expensive, by the way) and read some of the magazines and books provided in the resource/reading area..
and we waited till 4pm and the rain was still pouring.. and heck, we walked out of the place and walked the nature trail, trying to see what we could do.. so umbrellas out, but still got wet.. then we went down to the muddy mangrove to do a bit of measurements and picture-taking.. having to take the umbrella and camera and papers was a hassle, me and biyun ended up walking in the rain.. i only had my hat to block some rain out of my sight, but biyun was totally drenched.. but heck..
so in the end i didn't get to do anything related to the topic i planned to do.. *grrrr* now i have to find another day to go there again.. who's interested?? this time round, i'm going to the kranji reservoir to get into the mud..
Saturday, October 15, 2005
long day today.. went to school early to hand in my term paper, and then went for my harp practice which i didn't get to play the harp.. because a string broke.. manz.. dunno who did that.. and i hope it wasn't me, and i seriously think it wasn't me.. and my teacher wasn't here today, so...
anyway, did this test and it's quite accurate i must say.. haha.. tell me if it's really true.. haha.. those highlighted in red are those i think is somewhat true.. haha..
You like new ideas and concepts, but you prefer to discover them by yourself -- it is not easy for others to convert you to anything. You form your own opinions, but once you do form them, you then want to convince everyone else that they are correct. Try to be more tolerant of the opinions of others. You have a deep and abiding interest in science, mathematics, and the great social problems of the day. Very sympathetic toward the downtrodden, equality is your battle cry! You demand that those in authority be fair to all. You are an intellectual -- emotions and emotional people are difficult for you to understand. You are known for being calm, cool, detached and objective.
Intense and complex by nature, you have extremely strong emotional reactions to most situations. Feelings are often very difficult for you to verbalize. Therefore you have a tendency to be very quiet - - to brood and think a lot. You seldom get overtly angry, but, when you do, you are furious and unforgiving. When you make an emotional commitment, it is total -- you are not attracted to superficial or casual relationships. If you are challenged, you take it as a personal affront and tend to lash out and fight back in a vengeful manner. You love mysteries and the supernatural. A good detective, you love getting to the roots of problems and you enjoy finding out what makes other people tick. You are known to be very willful, very powerful and quite tenacious!
An idealist, you prefer the grand, the beautiful, the good and the noble. You get very disappointed when your high expectations in life are not met. Very curious by nature, you enjoy traveling and learning about other peoples and cultures. Try to avoid your tendency to ignore the small but important details of living. You are independent and free, and you want others to be that way, too. Optimistic, buoyant and cheerful, others like to have you around. You have an incessant desire to learn as much as possible about metaphysics, religion, philosophy and any other broad, deep subject. Your life tends to be punctuated by bursts of energy and frenetic activity.
Your mind is very curious and inquisitive, always seeking information on a wide variety of topics. The broader the subject matter (philosophy, science, religion, metaphysics), the more it will appeal to you. You prefer to deal with abstractions -- the small but important details associated with any subject tend to slip your grasp. You are known for being blunt, honest and truthful.
Your feelings about others are deep, powerful, intense and complex. When you like someone, you do so totally and obsessively if you do not like someone, they do not exist. Your faithfulness and loyalty to your lover is unquestioned, indeed at times it is too much so -- you get so possessive that you almost smother your partner. At times, your feelings are kept deep within you and, because they are so complex and intense, they frighten you -- this is the way that you try to ignore them. But the more you try to do this, the more explosive things get when you eventually do express them.
You are very aware of the need to cooperate with others in order to further any effort. You are usually willing to compromise with others, although you can be quite competitive in a friendly way. Very fair- minded and impartial, you have the ability to sense injustice and the desire to take corrective actions to make proper compensations. You see both sides of issues and questions, but you tend to be undecided or wavering when forced to make choices that might make you vulnerable or unpopular.
Your personal growth occurs when you have the freedom to do things in new and interesting ways -- this brings out your natural inventiveness. You are an individualist, but you are also attracted to mass movements that emphasize social betterment and you will devote much time and energy to their efforts. Very fair- minded and objective, you have extraordinary skills at organization and administration.
You tend to release emotional energies only very reluctantly. This is partly due to your fear of what horrible calamity might occur should they be released -- your emotions are terribly complicated and intense. Try not to repress these energies entirely, however, or you will succumb to negative and destructive forms of compulsive behavior. Give yourself the freedom to look awkward or silly once in a while. The relief you feel will be quite therapeutic and the embarrassment (whether it is real or imagined) will pass quickly.
You have the tendency to think that all ideas, customs and traditions from the past are outmoded and irrelevant. You are attracted to radically new ideas, philosophies and religions that will, hopefully, cause sweeping changes throughout the world.
You will idealize work, practicality and the ability to attain reasonable goals. But, because you will also stress the need to be selfless and giving, you may find it difficult to attain your goals unless you have lowered your expectations on all fronts.
It's not in your nature to seek out many casual acquaintances in your daily round of activities. You feel much more comfortable with a small, close-knit group of people -- those with whom you can relax and work toward known and clearly defined goals. Your loyalty to a person or group, once given, is forever -- you'll expend all of your quite considerable energy in seeing that the group stays together and prospers. You choose your partners and relationships so carefully that you're bound to gain certain advantages from them, including those of a material nature. Be careful though not to let mere self-service be your motivation in establishing your connections -- make sure that there's an even give-and-take!
comments?? haha..
anyway, did this test and it's quite accurate i must say.. haha.. tell me if it's really true.. haha.. those highlighted in red are those i think is somewhat true.. haha..
You like new ideas and concepts, but you prefer to discover them by yourself -- it is not easy for others to convert you to anything. You form your own opinions, but once you do form them, you then want to convince everyone else that they are correct. Try to be more tolerant of the opinions of others. You have a deep and abiding interest in science, mathematics, and the great social problems of the day. Very sympathetic toward the downtrodden, equality is your battle cry! You demand that those in authority be fair to all. You are an intellectual -- emotions and emotional people are difficult for you to understand. You are known for being calm, cool, detached and objective.
Intense and complex by nature, you have extremely strong emotional reactions to most situations. Feelings are often very difficult for you to verbalize. Therefore you have a tendency to be very quiet - - to brood and think a lot. You seldom get overtly angry, but, when you do, you are furious and unforgiving. When you make an emotional commitment, it is total -- you are not attracted to superficial or casual relationships. If you are challenged, you take it as a personal affront and tend to lash out and fight back in a vengeful manner. You love mysteries and the supernatural. A good detective, you love getting to the roots of problems and you enjoy finding out what makes other people tick. You are known to be very willful, very powerful and quite tenacious!
An idealist, you prefer the grand, the beautiful, the good and the noble. You get very disappointed when your high expectations in life are not met. Very curious by nature, you enjoy traveling and learning about other peoples and cultures. Try to avoid your tendency to ignore the small but important details of living. You are independent and free, and you want others to be that way, too. Optimistic, buoyant and cheerful, others like to have you around. You have an incessant desire to learn as much as possible about metaphysics, religion, philosophy and any other broad, deep subject. Your life tends to be punctuated by bursts of energy and frenetic activity.
Your mind is very curious and inquisitive, always seeking information on a wide variety of topics. The broader the subject matter (philosophy, science, religion, metaphysics), the more it will appeal to you. You prefer to deal with abstractions -- the small but important details associated with any subject tend to slip your grasp. You are known for being blunt, honest and truthful.
Your feelings about others are deep, powerful, intense and complex. When you like someone, you do so totally and obsessively if you do not like someone, they do not exist. Your faithfulness and loyalty to your lover is unquestioned, indeed at times it is too much so -- you get so possessive that you almost smother your partner. At times, your feelings are kept deep within you and, because they are so complex and intense, they frighten you -- this is the way that you try to ignore them. But the more you try to do this, the more explosive things get when you eventually do express them.
You are very aware of the need to cooperate with others in order to further any effort. You are usually willing to compromise with others, although you can be quite competitive in a friendly way. Very fair- minded and impartial, you have the ability to sense injustice and the desire to take corrective actions to make proper compensations. You see both sides of issues and questions, but you tend to be undecided or wavering when forced to make choices that might make you vulnerable or unpopular.
Your personal growth occurs when you have the freedom to do things in new and interesting ways -- this brings out your natural inventiveness. You are an individualist, but you are also attracted to mass movements that emphasize social betterment and you will devote much time and energy to their efforts. Very fair- minded and objective, you have extraordinary skills at organization and administration.
You tend to release emotional energies only very reluctantly. This is partly due to your fear of what horrible calamity might occur should they be released -- your emotions are terribly complicated and intense. Try not to repress these energies entirely, however, or you will succumb to negative and destructive forms of compulsive behavior. Give yourself the freedom to look awkward or silly once in a while. The relief you feel will be quite therapeutic and the embarrassment (whether it is real or imagined) will pass quickly.
You have the tendency to think that all ideas, customs and traditions from the past are outmoded and irrelevant. You are attracted to radically new ideas, philosophies and religions that will, hopefully, cause sweeping changes throughout the world.
You will idealize work, practicality and the ability to attain reasonable goals. But, because you will also stress the need to be selfless and giving, you may find it difficult to attain your goals unless you have lowered your expectations on all fronts.
It's not in your nature to seek out many casual acquaintances in your daily round of activities. You feel much more comfortable with a small, close-knit group of people -- those with whom you can relax and work toward known and clearly defined goals. Your loyalty to a person or group, once given, is forever -- you'll expend all of your quite considerable energy in seeing that the group stays together and prospers. You choose your partners and relationships so carefully that you're bound to gain certain advantages from them, including those of a material nature. Be careful though not to let mere self-service be your motivation in establishing your connections -- make sure that there's an even give-and-take!
comments?? haha..
Friday, October 14, 2005
fast week..
the weekend is here so fast.. and will be gone fast too.. i wouldn't say the week is exciting, but at least not so monotonous.. perhaps the term paper on funeral rituals keeps me busy and imaginative.. haha.. and all the food i've been eating.. ice cream, choco ice-cream shake, chocolates, spagetti, coke.. ain't getting me anywhere.. oops..
things to be done by the next few days...
1. hand in my term paper (finally..) tomorrow.. yeah.. no more readings on death and funeral rituals that got me paranoid for a while..
2. harp and orchestra practice tomorrow.. the 2nd last practice for this sem.. a loooonng day in school tomorrow..
3. try to finish the assignment on "dynamic light scattering".. shucks..
4. pester the sponsors for the shipment of the donated stuff.. argghh..
5. going Sungei Buloh Nature Reserve this sunday to do project on mangrove.. another day out in the sun (no rain please!!) and nature.. expected to be stung by lots of mosquitoes.. arghh..
by the way, i strongly recommend the movie FLIGHTPLAN.. it's a real good movie.. good plot, interesting and unexpected storyline.. haha.. i've a few movies waiting for me to watch.. but no time!! THE 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN and DEUCE BIGALOW.. will tell you guys if they are worth your 8 bucks when i've watched it.. haha..
things to be done by the next few days...
1. hand in my term paper (finally..) tomorrow.. yeah.. no more readings on death and funeral rituals that got me paranoid for a while..
2. harp and orchestra practice tomorrow.. the 2nd last practice for this sem.. a loooonng day in school tomorrow..
3. try to finish the assignment on "dynamic light scattering".. shucks..
4. pester the sponsors for the shipment of the donated stuff.. argghh..
5. going Sungei Buloh Nature Reserve this sunday to do project on mangrove.. another day out in the sun (no rain please!!) and nature.. expected to be stung by lots of mosquitoes.. arghh..
by the way, i strongly recommend the movie FLIGHTPLAN.. it's a real good movie.. good plot, interesting and unexpected storyline.. haha.. i've a few movies waiting for me to watch.. but no time!! THE 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN and DEUCE BIGALOW.. will tell you guys if they are worth your 8 bucks when i've watched it.. haha..
Saturday, October 08, 2005
cheese fondue..
today's a long but happy day.. with lots of laughter and cheese.. haha..
last night, cousin irene came down from KL and bunked in with me for a night.. she's here for the Cirque de Soleil's Quidam.. very long never see her le.. in fact i hardly know all my cousins from my father's side in malaysia.. she's the only closest i think.. haha.. had a long and nice talk with her.. too bad she's only here for a night, then she is joining her friends to watch the show.. but at least we had a late-breakfast-early-lunch at west mall's Mos Burger, before she left to go shopping in town and meet her friends.. maybe i'll go KL the next time round.. haha..
today's harp lesson was quite good.. the teacher taught me new stuff.. more new stuff this time round.. haha.. then i continued practising, even when it was orchestra-practice time.. haha.. so i practised for 2 more hours, until the tea-break time.. haha.. that explains why my fingers are real red and swollen now.. =P
then went to meet aline, waipeng, huijie and ryan for CHEESE FONDUE!! haha.. must thank ryan for being the driver lar.. but since i'm giving treat, so it's fair.. muahaha.. kidding.. so dinner was laughter, laughter and more laughter.. haha..


to tempt the rest of the people..

more temptation..

awww... CHEESE!! cheese melted in swiss wine.. *drools..*
and somehow we ended up crapping with the boss of the SWISS CULTURE (yar.. the same restaurant.. =P) and the nice chat led to a complimentary TIRAMISU!!

and after eating the tiramisu we were still scooping the burnt cheese at the bottom of the pot.. haha..
this place is gonna be a come-back place for all of us.. good food, nice people.. =)
but then again.. i'll need to work out.. ate too much.. swimming tomorrow with biyun.. =P
last night, cousin irene came down from KL and bunked in with me for a night.. she's here for the Cirque de Soleil's Quidam.. very long never see her le.. in fact i hardly know all my cousins from my father's side in malaysia.. she's the only closest i think.. haha.. had a long and nice talk with her.. too bad she's only here for a night, then she is joining her friends to watch the show.. but at least we had a late-breakfast-early-lunch at west mall's Mos Burger, before she left to go shopping in town and meet her friends.. maybe i'll go KL the next time round.. haha..
today's harp lesson was quite good.. the teacher taught me new stuff.. more new stuff this time round.. haha.. then i continued practising, even when it was orchestra-practice time.. haha.. so i practised for 2 more hours, until the tea-break time.. haha.. that explains why my fingers are real red and swollen now.. =P
then went to meet aline, waipeng, huijie and ryan for CHEESE FONDUE!! haha.. must thank ryan for being the driver lar.. but since i'm giving treat, so it's fair.. muahaha.. kidding.. so dinner was laughter, laughter and more laughter.. haha..


to tempt the rest of the people..

more temptation..

awww... CHEESE!! cheese melted in swiss wine.. *drools..*
and somehow we ended up crapping with the boss of the SWISS CULTURE (yar.. the same restaurant.. =P) and the nice chat led to a complimentary TIRAMISU!!
and after eating the tiramisu we were still scooping the burnt cheese at the bottom of the pot.. haha..
this place is gonna be a come-back place for all of us.. good food, nice people.. =)
but then again.. i'll need to work out.. ate too much.. swimming tomorrow with biyun.. =P
Friday, October 07, 2005
bad dream..
think i'm too stressed out.. the bad dream really freaked me out..
was dreaming about me going to changi airport for my trip to philippines.. so along the way i realised i forgot to bring out my handphone and camera chargers.. i can survive without the phone, but i don't think i will without the camera.. so i had to call home to ask my brother to bring out the chargers, and rush out of the house (i think i told him i will pay for his cab fare..), cos i had a flight to catch.. hmm.. think it was a sunday.. heard my father over the phone..
anyway.. so i reached the airport.. i knew i was catching for the 3+pm flight, but i dunno why, i was going around asking where i can buy plane tickets.. manz.. this means i didn't buy any tics in the first place!! i remembered me not being able to buy a tic.. and so the dream continued, i can't remember what happened next.. and then i woke up..
freaky dream.. i wouldn't want this to happen when i'm going for my trip..
i'm sinking.. please pull me up.. or at least throw me a life-jacket or a float..
was dreaming about me going to changi airport for my trip to philippines.. so along the way i realised i forgot to bring out my handphone and camera chargers.. i can survive without the phone, but i don't think i will without the camera.. so i had to call home to ask my brother to bring out the chargers, and rush out of the house (i think i told him i will pay for his cab fare..), cos i had a flight to catch.. hmm.. think it was a sunday.. heard my father over the phone..
anyway.. so i reached the airport.. i knew i was catching for the 3+pm flight, but i dunno why, i was going around asking where i can buy plane tickets.. manz.. this means i didn't buy any tics in the first place!! i remembered me not being able to buy a tic.. and so the dream continued, i can't remember what happened next.. and then i woke up..
freaky dream.. i wouldn't want this to happen when i'm going for my trip..
i'm sinking.. please pull me up.. or at least throw me a life-jacket or a float..
Saturday, October 01, 2005
field trip..
today's field trip was quite alright and interesting.. but then it rained!! my god.. having to carry the file, pen, camera and holding on to the umbrella is no joke.. luckily it only rained for less than half an hour.. learnt quite a lot of things today.. but when we reached to the last station (there were 3 stations, where each lecturer was in charge of their own area), it started to get sooo boring.. Dr Lu Xi Xi.. alamak.. don't know what's he talking about, didn't bother to pay much attention.. hahah.. was more concerned about the mosquito bites i got..
so when we were dismissed, me, huiyan and biyun had to walk out of the Pasir Ris Park and happened to pass by a carnival for OCBC's family day.. tempted by the smell of popcorns, we walked into the carnival, trying to pass off as somebody related to OCBC.. haha.. and we were "kopping" free food!! haha.. free candy floss!! free pop corns!! free drinks!! haha.. too bad the photos are with huiyan.. then we also bought the $1 ice cream from the ice-cream uncle.. =) since when do you get to have a field trip with such enjoyment?? haha..
and so me and huiyan were contemplating whether to come back for our CO practice, and it so happened that BK was giving us a lift, so we came back.. but.. i was too lazy and tired to play my erhu, and i sneaked off to meet aline and waipeng at suntec.. hahah..
had dinner, walked around.. and ended up at the SWISS CULTURE place again.. for?? CHOCO FONDUE!! =)

this time the layout of the fruits was different.. haha..
after trying to finish off the whole pot of chocolate, we decided to go into Toys 'R' Us to look at some halloween play stuff.. and this was what we were getting into..
want some more??

and each "head thing" costs $24.95.. duh.. enough to have our pictures taken..
we also tried our luck at those soft-toy-catching-machines.. too bad we wasted our 2 coins..
i'm looking forward to cheese fondue!!! whee~~~
so when we were dismissed, me, huiyan and biyun had to walk out of the Pasir Ris Park and happened to pass by a carnival for OCBC's family day.. tempted by the smell of popcorns, we walked into the carnival, trying to pass off as somebody related to OCBC.. haha.. and we were "kopping" free food!! haha.. free candy floss!! free pop corns!! free drinks!! haha.. too bad the photos are with huiyan.. then we also bought the $1 ice cream from the ice-cream uncle.. =) since when do you get to have a field trip with such enjoyment?? haha..
and so me and huiyan were contemplating whether to come back for our CO practice, and it so happened that BK was giving us a lift, so we came back.. but.. i was too lazy and tired to play my erhu, and i sneaked off to meet aline and waipeng at suntec.. hahah..
had dinner, walked around.. and ended up at the SWISS CULTURE place again.. for?? CHOCO FONDUE!! =)

this time the layout of the fruits was different.. haha..
after trying to finish off the whole pot of chocolate, we decided to go into Toys 'R' Us to look at some halloween play stuff.. and this was what we were getting into..

want some more??

and each "head thing" costs $24.95.. duh.. enough to have our pictures taken..
we also tried our luck at those soft-toy-catching-machines.. too bad we wasted our 2 coins..
i'm looking forward to cheese fondue!!! whee~~~
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