Friday, February 11, 2011

Going back to Bago City again

After 5 (long) months of waiting, soon I'll be on the road back to Bago City again. It has been 7 long years, and I still love this place.

For the first time, I'll be there for their city's charter anniversary fiesta celebration and the Babaylan Festival. And I do look forward to our very own kite-flying activity, which to my surprise, is a part of the fiesta celebration. :)

And a very big thank-you to my friends for the support, we have raised slightly more than $800 for the stationery sets to be given to the children. :)

I'm also giving myself some me-and-only-myself-time during this trip. I hope I can survive, and come back safely.

Will be back 2 weeks later. :)

Wednesday, February 02, 2011




所以,真的搞不懂, 到底是怎么一回事。


