Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Cats - The Musical

This is not one of my favourite musicals, but nevertheless, it was still quite entertaining.

There were moments the entire theatre was filled with giggles, laughter and applauses. There were also moments I was nearly bored to death.

The music wasn't that fascinating (I still love the music from The Phantom of the Opera), the set was too cluttered that I felt it was quite distracting. The plot wasn't that great either. Only the colourful costume/make-up and the choreography were worth watching. But since I'm not a dance-person, a couple of times my mind was drifting somewhere else.

What makes this musical different from the others, is that there were interaction between the audience and the cast. The cats would actually come down from the stage, fiddling with your bag, scratching your arms. A few cats were even spotted around the circle seats. Imagine they would have to run from the backstage all the way up to the 4th level to mingle with the crowd for a few seconds, and then back down to the stage again. Very physically demanding for these poor cats. They were actually panting when they got to the top level.

Sadly, most of the interaction were limited to the stall seats and the front row areas, and the dynamics of the show were very much reduced when looking down from the 4th level. I can't complain much, what I've got was a complimentary ticket.

I still stand by my rationale, I would only get tickets for stall seats when watching musicals. Pointless to pay for a ticket that doesn't allow you to enjoy the musical to the fullest.

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