Sunday, August 12, 2007

borderline-pass mango graham..

i tried making the mango graham cake again.. i give myself 6/10.. i still can't make it perfect the filipino way!! arghh!!

a very fattening filipino dessert.. just look at the thick layer of cream.. haa.. they call it the 'ice-box' cake.. because you will put it in the fridge and freeze it.. and there's a joke shared between the house gang and i.. 'eat the coke and drink the box-ice'.. haha..

and they even prepared some for me to bring along to the plane leaving Bago.. aww.. the taste of 'hometown'..

tried making it while i was there.. it was so much better than this one.. haha.. all thanks to Joy.. Joy! Tricia! what's wrong with my ice-box cake? how to make it perfect?? why don't you guys come over and make one for me? haha..

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