Sunday, January 08, 2006


hihi.. haa.. 4 more days to me going back to philippines.. starting to feel a bit reluctant to go back already..

the past few days were a bit hell for me.. having diarrhoea and vomitting.. eww.. having to go to the Bago City Hospital at night to see the doctor.. only to have my temperature, blood pressure measured, answered some questions, and then the doctor prescribed some medicine and asked me to drink Gatorade.. huh huh.. "no more fatty food", she said.. but that's gonna be tough, because the food here in philippines are all either barberqued, fried or oily.. haha.. so i'm going to stick to plain rice, with soup, bananas, apples and eggs.. and so now Bong cannot call me "tambok" (fat) anymore.. because i'm going to be "niwang" (thin).. hahahahha..

anyway, i went to distribute some of the old stuff to one elementary school in baranguay Du-lao.. this school does not have any electricity at all, so the classrooms do not have lights and fans installed.. the kids there are poor, to the extent that they do not have any uniforms, stationery of their own.. some of them are malnourished.. so we had some interaction, playing games and toys and stationery were the prizes.. then we distributed the clothes and some bags to them.. books were given to the principal, for her to do the suitable distribution..

i don't know how to describe the feeling when i saw them taking and trying out their new clothes, but i know it's not just my own effort.. without the wonderful friends i have, i don't think i can gather so much stuff to give them.. the "thank you" from the kids are also meant for all these wonderful friends.. =)

the next day i went back to the Bago City College again, to see students using the computers.. sadly, the computers we donated are still not able to be used, because of some poor power connection.. so they could only had theory lessons in that new classroom.. but i've seen some other computer lessons going on, and at least i'm glad that they are making full use of whatever resources available in there.. =)

was invited to be the guest for the elementary school day of the school in Du-lao (yes, the one i went distributing the old stuff).. haha.. very weird.. when they kept mentioning "Miss YuHui Pu, our Singaporean friend".. haha.. was even invited to crown the queen of the coronation event, together with the baranguay captain.. wahha.. yar.. i was "finally" being pulled into dancing the "pinoy" song.. wert.. haha..

then the rest of the day and the next day i was "grounded" in the toilet doing my cleansing of my digestive system.. yucks.. horrible.. even tricia is not letting me out of the house.. boring huh..

but now i'm feeling better lar.. so don't worry.. will be back very soon.. =)

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