Thursday, January 12, 2006

back in singapore..

ok.. i'm back le..

saying goodbye was hard.. and i was trying very hard to control my tears.. but i think i've matured, didn't cry that much, not like the last time.. haha.. but who knows, i may end up crying out loud tonight when i go to bed.. =P

woke up early in the morning, and the whole Matti family woke up too (even the sleeping beauty nina.. haha) to say goodbye.. Saldo, JiJi, Putol were there too.. will miss this wonderful family..

at the airport, with tricia, remia, nonoy, bong, ryan and stephen and franz.. haha.. stephen, only got to see him twice, and the second time was in the airport.. everything seems like the last time, except that joseph and temogen were not there.. and less 23 people.. yar lar, i did cry for a little bit.. but at least it wasn't like the last time.. almost 1 month spent there, how not to feel sad when i have to leave?

and there's always a first time for everything.. taking the plane myself to manila, then transferring to another plane.. but it wasn't that easy like in singapore.. i had to get a taxi to get to another terminal for my international flight.. -_-"" and the ninoy aquino airport was so crowded.. manz.. and when i say budget airline, it really shows the kiasu spirit.. people queueing up before 9.30am when the flight is at 12.50 pm.. -_-''' and things were taking a long time.. be it queueing up for check-in, to clear the immigration, or to pay for the airport tax..

waiting in the airport for 3 hours alone was hard too.. called ryan and tricia before i board the plane.. wahh.. that made me cry.. even papa's (tricia's dad) voice can make me cry.. man..

yar, budget plane is very small.. no leg space.. think those big size guys are going to have problems squeezing in.. but lucky to have the window seat lar.. and maybe the good thing about this plane is, i could get the magnificant view from the top, overlooking those beautiful islands and clear blue seas for more than 15 minutes after take-off..

slept for a while, reached singapore around 4.30pm.. called back to tricia again, and i got to talk to bong and nonoy..

yar.. and i'm still unpacking all my stuff.. too many things to settle too.. and i don't feel like going to school tomorrow.. still on the holiday mood.. arghh..

to all my dear friends in philippines, thank you very much for making my stay there a truly wonderful and enjoyable one.. =) will be back again.. =) and i will try buying the lottery.. haha..

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